I've been absent here on the blog, intentionally. A few weeks ago I experimented with posting daily, I loved it, but knew that it's something I'd implement in the future rather than now. The last few weeks were filled with sleepless nights and trying to get a strong grip on my studying. In about two months I'm taking the MCAT. I'm excited and equally scared. There's so much change happening in my life and I'm grateful that I'm someone who embraces change, but the uncertainty of what's ahead is still scary. 

Rather than trying to do it all, which never really works, I'm choosing to embrace this season of my life. My priority is definitely this impending exam, but I'll always be here on the blog and I have some great things coming up. I'll be updating the About section soon, so be sure to come by and see it all unfold. Expect about 3 or so post a week. I'm also working on a couple collaborations that I'm excited about and I think you're really gonna like. 

Thank you for stopping by, feel free to say hi in the comments below. 

With Love,
